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Dear sirCan you please send me the specs for those $42m B737-800s if you still have them.ddamulira charlessebyoto@yahoo.com
Dont know if you still interested but I work for a global asset management company. we currently have 2 x Boeing 737 800's for sale - $42.5M each
Please contact me if you have any variations of the Mi8 /Mi17 cockpits for sale. I am looking for minimum 2 units complet cockpits.
A320 YOM 91/92/93 for sale.
B777s for sale
B738 YOM 98 for sale
named contacts only.
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The APU has a signature moan when we fire that up, and of course there are some associated noises when the R and L motors are fired up. Neither of these noises would sound like the noise you described, so I would guess that this could have been the wingfold mechanism. If it had been on display for a while, then of course everything was probably ...
Please provide approximate pricing and configuration information.
Thank you,
Marc Nerny
My *guess* (and I'm not part of the medical community), is that once sufficient time has elapsed since your last use of anti-depressants, you will be eligible for a waiver. I've heard of it happening, though I'm not familiar with the details. Best advice I can offer is to be persistent, and not to take ''no'' for an answer before talking to the ...
Bad gouge about all mil aviators coming from service academies. I was an NROTC guy, and I'd say at least half of the folks in my squadron (pilots that is) are from sources other than the academy. The only requirement is a commission. Yes, there are a few more pilot slots available to USNA or NROTC applicants than their OCS brethren, but there are ...
Mandated for the following urgent request:
Aircraft Type: ATR 72 (prefer –500, but –200 or –300 would also do)
Aircraft Requirements:
- Less than 20 years (1990 or newer)
- Fitted with TCAS and EGPWS
- Hours left on engines & landing gear is a MUST before next maintenance.
Quantity Needed: 3
Operation to Start: March ...
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