I am 14 and looking to join the Air Force as an airlift pilot (no desire to fly fighters). I should be able to pass all requirements except for color vision. I am slightly red-green color blind. I can tell the difference bright red, bright green, and white easily, but I can't seem to pass the plate test (trying to find numbers or letters inside of a circle). Four questions:
1. Would I still be allowed to fly cargo planes (C-130, C-17) even with my color deficiency?
2. Is there any alternative test (FALANT, etc.) that I could take that would be easier to pass than the plates?
3. Is there anything I can do to either improve my color deficiency or do better on the color tests? (I have 4 years to do any excercises necessary)
4. Where can I test my color vision now? (I have found online tests to be inaccurate; one test I took said I had near-normal color vision, another of the same test said I was moderatley red-green colorblind.)