Hi everyone,
I am interested in joining the USAF. I plan to attend the Air Force Academy for college, but thats still 4-5 years off. As of right now, I am an 8th grader. I mantain an A average. I am also very atheletic and have near perfect vision if not perfect vision.
5'10 - 160 pounds
7:00 Minuite Mile
52 Situps a minute
So On
I'm looking for a little advice about how I can prepare atheleticly and Academicly for the academy. I was looking at their site and it was somewhat confusing. Also about the application process. Who does it need to be approved by?
Some may think 13, almost 14, years old is a little early to start thinking about joining, but I am very passionate about aviation. I mean most kids could care less about how planes fly, but I study it everyday in and day out. I just love reading books about planes. Thats problaly the reason I wanna be a pilot. It was also the plane ride to Florida in the Spirit MD-83 last spring :)