Oh, sorry. I guess I better set things staight before you all go thinking he's fake. (good thing I wandered back

No, it's not a scam at all. Maj. Ed Rush is a Marine currently in the reserves who flies the F/A-18. He was active duty from what I know. He currently operates a public speaking business as a motivator and keynote speaker. This power pack is just part of his business.
Anyway, the material is interesting. The audio CD's are the most valuable. It does contain some good info that would be otherwise difficult to find elsewhere (I DID find some pieces of info the Internet failed to produce

). I found, however, that the majority of the information is more about motivation and building confidence before taking your next steps to become a pilot. For some, this is the thing they need to get going. For others, it may just be an extra add-on. In either case, I think I was satisfied.
Anyway, if you have the money to spend, then I'd go for it. Motivation stuff like this is expensive anyways. (But when he's offering a deal, he's serious! I bought the book when it was on sale from last year, and now he has a new deal going on!)