Visiting Skrydstrup
Royal Danish Airforce
Thread Starter: Anonymous
Started: 07-26-2002 6:15 AM
Replies: 3

Community Server :: Forums » Military Aviation » Royal Danish Airforce » Visiting Skrydstrup
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Anonymous is not online. Last active: 7/17/2007 7:51:33 PM Anonymous

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Visiting Skrydstrup
*** Posted by Andrew Spring ***

I would like to visit Skrydstrup in the near future. I actually met someone last year who was connected to the base and he tried to arrange a lightning visit for me, unfortunatly nothing could be arranged on such short notice.

Now I would like to try and arrange a visit with the bas it's self, could someone perhaps (With access to a Danish phonebook) point me in the reight direction of the Public Relations section of the Airbase?



PS: soon I will be opening a new website with *all* of my F-16 images taken over the last 12 years http//

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Anonymous is not online. Last active: 7/17/2007 7:51:33 PM Anonymous

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Re:Visiting Skrydstrup
*** Posted by Andrew Spring ***
PS: soon I will be opening a new website with *all* of my F-16 images taken over the last 12 years http// ]

The above link is not activated yet, but does work

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Anonymous is not online. Last active: 7/17/2007 7:51:33 PM Anonymous

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Re:Visiting Skrydstrup
*** Posted by Jesper Gram ***
Try this number :
(+45)7454 1340

This phonenumber is Skrydstrup airbase itself, so try and give them a call.

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Anonymous is not online. Last active: 7/17/2007 7:51:33 PM Anonymous

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Re:Visiting Skrydstrup
*** Posted by Jesper Gram ***
I almost forgot.....
Skrydstrup airbase is hosting next years RDAF airshow. The date is june 15.

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