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Multiple B737-800's with 7B27 engines wanted for lease by April 1, 2011
. 2 Class configuration
. 3 Galleys
. 3 Lavatories (1 FWD, 2 AFT)
. Each seat Audio/Video Sytem and center overhead storage units
. Brand new or Used not older than 10 years
Please send the specs and your offers matching thses criterias to wbhahn@yahoo.com for ...
We am looking for ERJ145 on dry lease basis. We are the final user with a EASA AOC. Please send information, spec, dry lease price and conditions.chrismorris63@live.com
Hello I work for a company that models software for F16 Block 15 with a 220 engine.
I am trying to find the Max Deviation for the Course error bar in the HSI and localizer bar in the ADI
Any help would be great appreciated.
Yes, still available.Please contact to email : intiutamapc@gmail.com
Dear Sir,
we are looking for 4 JT3D-7 Engines in Boeing configuration. The engines must be in good condition preferrably OH'ed. If you have such engines, please email me the minipack and asking price with QEC.
Hank Seifi
Galaxy Aviation Services
Availabel B737-800/A320-200 /B747-400 for ACMI wet lease immediate
If you're interested, please contact us.
I recently posted a question similar to this one and just stumbled across this answer. How would I go about doing this? I live next to a C5 unit and don't mind a long commitment, I just want to continue to live where I grew up.
Is it possible to obtain a reserve pilot slot with no prior military experience? I exceed the regular qualifications completely (20/13 vision, perfect hearing, great GPA, tons of extra-curr. including Eagle Scout). If so, would it be advisable to join a local C5 reserve unit as a loadmaster while I finish college?
Looking for a wingtip from a scrapped a/c regardless of which type. Anyone? pilotsdiefaster@googlemail.com
1 767-300ER available for ACMI lease. 2 class config. Available now.Please advise interest to:ecmaviation@gmail.com
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