We are the Aviation Department of a Humanitarian Medical charity. We are seeking the first of 4 future PC12's. Our budget is planned to progresssively acquire 3 of these as new aircraft, with order placements between 2011 and 2015.
However, we do have need of the first, yet have not the acquistion budget, due to other projects underway.
As a humanitarian medical charity, we deliver medical care to suffering people in developing countries. Our last mission was to Nepal for cataract surgery to 103 people. The PC12 is to be used for micro-insersion of volunteers, removal of patients, delivery of medical equipment etc throughout the S.E. Asia and China regions.
This charity is a 501 (c) (3) in the USA, and also incorporated in Macau. Therefore, it can give you a tax deduction and solid recognition if you considered gifting your PC12.
This is a BIG ask ... yet what we do to help suffering people is a big job ... and we need the tools. Please advise if you can assist in anyway.
Write: GFHospitals@gmail.com and we can give you full details, documentation, references, testimonials from our surgeons, media coverage from newspapers through to medical journals, video etc.