Ok, this is how it all started...
One year ago my dad got laid off from his job and we had to move. So my dad moved into a small apartment, so he'd be closer to his job. One weekend we drove down to visit him. That night I was sitting on the floor waching TV when he changed it over. The movie that he changed it to was Pearl Harbor. I wanted to do something else whwn my sister insisted I'd stay so I did. I had never seen such anything like it, war planes bombing. I know that that sounds kinda strange but I never wached anything like that before. Then after the movie we went to bed. A few weeks later I had decided to look up what I had seen on the internet when I did I had found out that the planes that I had seen on the movie where Japanese Zero fighters and P-40 warhawks. It was the coolest thing. Then 4 months later I went on the internet again and found the jet fighters of today. Since then I've wanted to be a fighter pilot and I've learned a lot since.
Airplanes are the best things that have ever happened to me! and still are