There are many low cost airlines in Europe, but unlike USA, which has low cost airlines of very different inflight services (Jetblue offers best entertainment, Frontier features generous 33" seat pitch, some carriers like Frontier & American Trans Air offer free meals on long flights), the European low cost airlines have very similar inflight services, and are poorer than that of USA, like having seat pitch of only 29-30", lack of inflight entertainment, the absence of free drinks & snacks for passengers (most USA low cost airlines provide these free of charge), and of course no free meals on any flights.
Not only this, all major European low cost carriers use only B737, except the newly set up Goodjet of Sweden (, which uses A320. This is very different to USA, with low cost airlines using many aircraft families, like A320, B737, MD80, B717, B757.
The different carriers, however, have very different airport choices. Ryanair uses only the less congested regional airports further away from city centre. This guarantees lowest cost & fastest turnaround times, but makes passengers need to pay more for the connection traffic. Virgin Express, however, uses only the major airports, like Heathrow for London & Brussels International Airport. This provides maximum convenience for passengers. Easyjet uses a very special policy, which uses smaller airports in UK to reduce cost, but uses major airports in Continental Europe for better passenger convenience.
Easyjet offers very good flight change policy, which passengers can change flights for only 10 GBP / 16 Euros as handling fee plus applicable price difference, thus offering unparalled flexibility, better than the restricted tickets of the major carriers.