I know of "F-19A" models being released to the public to confuse
communist spy rings during the 1980s, But is it possible this aircraft
or somthing like it exists?. Its becouse the design from Monogram
models is based on a design by Loral and is also more aircraft-like
than the one made by Testors.
Wherever it is real or not, I believe the "F-19A Specter" would be a
feasible design for a fighter aircraft that will offer a wide range of
capabilities, even for todays technology.
The first image below is the concept by Loral Inc:

In 1972, the United States Air Force issued a Request For Proposal
(RFP) to Northrop, McDonnell-Douglas, and General Dynamics for a
supersonic stealth aircraft.
All three companies submitted design proposals in early 1974. On 2
September 1974, it was quietly announced that Northrop would be prime
contractor of PROJECT SPECTER
(It is interesting to note that the design submitted by General
Dynamics would later be the “cranked arrow” F-16XL that would later
compete against the F-15E in the light strike fighter/bomber
competition in 1985.)
Northrop went to work immediately following the contract announcement.
Special Project 711 was underway. Northrop had to invent new
technologies for project 711. Engineers decided to incorporate a
Fly-by-Wire flight control system, use of carbon-fiber epoxy as the
main component of the airframe and the new Sperry APQ-118 fire control
system. Project 711 also had to make use of the new Hughes AIM-78X low
observable air-to-air/air-to-ground missile. The decision was also made
that there would be six preproduction prototype aircraft.
To speed the design and build process, Northrop used many
“off-the-shelf” parts. The nose landing gear system was from the F-5E
Tiger II, the main landing gear came from the F-18A Hornet, in which
Northrop is sub-sub-contractor. The main landing gear wheels and came
from mothballed F-4C/D/E Phantom II’s in the Boneyard. Northrop, acting
as a foreign entity through the permission of the President of the
United States, purchased F-16A canopy assemblies for the project. The
majority of the avionics were also proven avionics systems found in
other aircraft minus specialized ECM equipment.
Design features included a wing folding mechanism that are horizontal
for take-off and landing, then can droop up to 30 degrees in flight and
then fold back on top of the wing when parked. The droop tip design
extends the cruise range by allowing the aircraft to ride its own shock
wave, hence reducing fuel consumption. The intake ramps pivot up to
fair over the intake for extended glide stealth target approach, the
breather doors for the engine compressors open when the aircraft
performing high-g maneuvers. The Rapid Rotating Weapon Pallet (RRWP)
provides a wide variety of mission profiles for all weapons.
On August 2, 1982, Special Project 711, now officially called the F-19A
Specter, made it’s official rollout from the Northrop Black Cat
facility under extreme secrecy. Following a Northrop flight test
program, the aircraft was delivered to the Air Force on 15 December
1982. Specter One arrived at Groom Lake, Nevada under the cover of
darkness by Lt. Col. Chester “Devastator” Moore. Specter One became
part of the 440th Test Wing, 199th Test and Evaluation Squadron.
Specter crews were chosen from the top fighter and reconnaissance
pilots in the Air Force.
A total of six pre-production Engineering Manufacturing and Design
(EMD) test aircraft were delivered to the 199th in 1982 and 1983.
Specter One was used for flight envelope testing.
Specter Two was used for stealth and penetration testing.
Specter Three was the armament test bed.
Specter Four was used for ballistics tests.
Specter Five was the dedicated pilot training aircraft.
Specter Six, also know as “Groom’s Gal” was the first Specter to be
used in a full up exercise and had the complete suite of defensive,
offensive avionics suites installed. Complete avionic suites would be
added to all aircraft by May 1984.
Specter Six, also know as “Groom’s Gal” was the first Specter to be
used in a full up exercise and had the complete suite of defensive,
offensive avionics suites installed. Complete avionic suites would be
added to all aircraft by May 1984
During the Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) of the Specter in
the May 1984, the aircrafts performed flawlessly. The F-19 held a
mission capable rate of 98.7% of all sorties tasked. When word was
delivered that the F-19 met all mission requirements; the decision was
made to put the F-19 into low rate initial production (LRIP).
An order was placed in July 1986 for 100 F-19A and 25 F-19B two-place
fighter/trainer aircraft from Northrop for the USAF. It looked as
though the Specter program had nothing but smooth sailing ahead of it.
As with all black budget programs, no disclosure was made due to
national security, but that year, Congress had changed the rules
concerning black budget programs. Congress had demanded where and how
much money was being spent on the program. After intense pressure, then
President Ronald Reagan released all information on PROJECT SPECTER.
The cost overruns were astronomical. The F-19 was 10 million dollars
over budget. When word of this circulated around Capital Hill,
cancellation of the program was imminent.
Almost one year to the day, July 1987, Congress announced that the F-19
Specter was to be cancelled. On an interesting note, Lockheed already
had a stealth aircraft, the F-117 Nighthawk, flying at the Tonopah Test
Range, Nevada. But since both aircraft teams were sworn to secrecy,
neither knew of each other’s existence.
The news was devastating to both Northrop and the Specter team at Groom
Lake. Due to the secret nature of the aircraft, it was decided that all
six Specter stay at Groom Lake and be disposition on site:
Specter Two was stripped of it components and was towed to the flight
line fire pit for fire training and of last report was completely
destroyed after one fire exercise due to the carbon fiber make up of
the aircraft.
Specter Three was used as a maintenance trainer in Composite Airframe
Battle Damage Repair (CABDR) and by 1995 there was little left of the
aircraft to be recognizable as an F-19; it was eventually hauled away
to an undisclosed location. Rumor has it that it is buried under the
Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas.
Specter Four was placed out on the live fire test range and was
eventually destroyed by it’s rival, the F-117A Nighthawk, aircraft
number 790, in a bombing run.
Specter Five was destroyed in a training accident in 1985 when the
primary flight control hydraulic pump failed in flight. The pilot
ejected safely.
Specter Six was also destroyed in a training accident in 1986 when
pilot, Capt. Dirk “Squarejaw” Pottenger over stressed the airframe in a
15g turn and catastrophic airframe damage occurred. Luckily, Squarejaw
did eject safely and now in the Guinness Book of World Records as the
only human to survive a 15g ejection from an aircraft.
Perhaps the most interesting disposition is Specter One. Specter One
remained at Groom Lake for limited flight-testing. This aircraft was
used to test a wide range of programs. Specter One holds the
distinction as being the test bed for the now famous “Hill II” paint
scheme, found on the F-4G Wild Weasel. In 1988, Specter One was turned
over to NASA for High-Speed Stealth Research (HSSR). When NASA finished
the HSSR program in 1994, it was stripped of all equipment and the USAF
released the aircraft for static display at the Pima County Air Museum
in Arizona. Specter One remained on display until 1997, when it was
discovered, that a foreign government had, in essence, copied the F-19.
The USAF took possession of the aircraft and it was towed to nearby
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. It is rumored that the aircraft stayed at
Davis-Monthan for two-years under going an extensive modification
program. In the summer of 1999, the last remaining F-19A Specter was
seen taking-off from the main runway at dusk, never to be seen again.
Northrop tried to regain its glory in the fighter aircraft industry in
the 1980s with the F-20 Tigershark. Even though it was flown by famous
test pilot, Charles “Chuck” Yeager and endorsed by him as the finest
jet fighter ever built, the USAF had no need for the aircraft. Since
the U.S. would not buy the aircraft, there was little hope for foreign
sales. After a series of fatal crashes, the F-20 was cancelled. But,
Northrop had an ace in the hole.
Northrop, vowing not to be counted out as a contender in the stealth
race, won the B-2 stealth bomber contract. The B-2A has met all design
requirements and is in full production. But all was not well.
Once again the USAF released a design requirement for the Advanced
Technology Fighter (ATF) program. Competing bids by
Lockheed/Boeing/General Dynamics and Northrop/McDonnell-Douglas were
awarded and a fly-off would determine the winner. Once again Lockheed
came out on top and was awarded the ATF contract for the F-22 Raptor.
Sources state that
Northrop’s entry, the YF-23, was clearly a superior aircraft and the
reason it as not awarded to them was that Northrop held the B-2 bomber
As for F-19A, serial number AF81-0001, Specter One, its current
location and mission are unknown. Several sources, close to the author,
have stated seeing the F-19A during operations over Kosovo and recently
in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. Air Force officials do admit that Specter
One is still in service and is only used when absolutely necessary.
There is some talk as to producing ten more F-19’s with updated 21st
Century technology and carrying the F-19C designation. Only time and
budget will tell…