robmil5220:I'm just wondering about communication between control tower / LSO / pilot on a carrier approach landing. I have no idea of this process and just looking to gain some insight. I'm playing a flight sim type game and when lining up on glideslope for a carrier landing the CV Marshall says "Mother is case 1, expect CV-1 approach." I think I have a basic idea of how glideslope / meatball works but not totally sure. I'm wondering what this lingo means.
The pilot eventually responds something like "One zero seven, approach final bearing 174, flying two niner zero" (approximately) I would like to know the details behind what instruments they are reading and relaying to the people on deck. I think I've heard that they give final bearing (direction I guess) and then how much fuel and then they 'call the ball' signaling they see the meatball and are on course. What is an example of what a pilot would say when coming in for landing and what it means? thanks in advance
Thanks you for the post.