*** Posted by run ***
Hi Rapier
I know your intention is good, but please advise me before you do stuff like that. I've allready put a lot of work into submitting my site, and made a big effort on describing the site & putting a lot of keywords into the searchengines. When somebody submits my site again all that goes down the drain. I'm also rated very high on some of the bigger searchengines that also goes down the drain if you submit on top of my submission. So you have to be really careful about what searcengines my site is submittet to. So please talk to about stuff like that first.
[Hi Captain,
Good news John, you should soon be receiving more hits to www.jets.dk. I have been able to add your URL to many of the best search engines in the world.
The other good news is that it's all free and you will also receive more awards for www.jets.dk. I have tried my best to promote the site John & I hope everything works out ok for you and www.jets.dk for the future.