Hello, my name is Lucas and I had a few questions for you guys in the forums.
First off, I'm a junior in highschool and am interested in joining the USAFA. I have an excellent GPA at 4.3 and am currently in the top 1% in my class. I've seen that math is an important part of aviation, and considering I'm currently getting A's in my AP calculus BC class I don't think that should be any problem.
What my real question is—once someone becomes a fighter pilot, in this day and age (more like 5 years in the future when i would ostensibly be a pilot) will there even be any engaging of the enemy? I admit my knowledge of planes isn't that great, but from what I've seen about the new F-22 Raptors and the like, we (the US Airforce) will be destroying targets from miles away without them ever knowing we were even there.
I know our job as a country is to save lives, and I may be egotistic for wanting this, but for me to become a fighter pilot I want that adrenaline rush of being in a dogfight. I'm an adventurous person and love to push myself over the edge, and being in those life and death situations is what I want. I know that may seem odd, but I'm sure there are those out there that feel the same.
So, the long and short of it is—if I became a pilot in 5 years, what would my job entail?
Thanks a lot,