*** Posted by run ***
Accepted - All comments like that should be placed in this forum or to me.
The Aviation Top 100 list counts unique users, so if a visitor looks at two different pages with the logo he is only counted once. If a website has multiple entries it gives a more correct pictures of unique visitors if the logo is placed on each entry. A lot of sites have their visitors come in through a back door.
We don't like if webmasters put the logo in their forums or other pages that get revisited by the same user a lot of times. This puts unnecessary stress on our servers and it doesn't increase their hits.
If our rules are followed and the logo is not placed below a bunch of webrings etc. every visit will be counted.
Regards John Raahauge
[I apologize for statements made earlier about spamming. I had not read that logo's may be placed on more than page. I have removed myself from all lists. Thank you.]