*** Posted by run ***
Hi Kalani
If you are not showing the correct amount of visitor the reason could be one of the following:
- I checked your site. I probably won't make a difference, but try to use the same linebreaks in the code as on my site.
- The most probable cause is that the logo (1x1) gif doesn't load before the user clicks on to another page on your site. If the logo load you will get a hit.
The reason that it doesn't load is because you have got a lot of nice stuff: graphics, music etc. that has to load before the javascript executes and loads the little logo & the user is probably gone to another page on your site.
You can either place the logo higher or on more pages to fix this.
- Sometimes other code on the page interferes with the logocode (geocities maybe)
If this doesn't help I can try and send you a modified code that probably will help for you. Just send me an email if you need further assistance.
[My URL is http://www.geocities.com/kalanio_99/
Thank you for your help. Kalani
Hi Kalani
Could you please give me your page URL, then I will take a look.
I know my site is not in the same class of the high-traffic superior sites represented here, but I don't understand how my average hits are "1" per day. I've watched my counter climb by a "100" but my hits on your site are nil. I placed the logo on the front page and I don't know what I've done wrong. The code doesn't appear to have been modified in any way. What's wrong? ]