*** Posted by Kim Nielsen ***
I think I saw on one of the pictures once of an F-16 with the nose-cone swung open and there is some sign or something which say's "Danger Radiation",
Radar-radiation is a serious thing. Once when I vas vorking on a shipyard, an electrician vas trapped upon a shipmast, (vas lifted to his work-area by crane and there left strapped to the mast!) meanwhile the shipradar started. It took him several crusial minutes to get the radar stopped through use of his with-brought cb-radio.
The followings of the situation was that he was send to the hospital to have a spermcount (easy way to check damage!), and vas by the doctors forbidden to enter the hazardouos evironment (by him taken for the entire shipyard!)until his spermcount had stabilized again!
In connection to the happening one of his colleges could tell about an experience from the airforce Hawk-workshop, where it as late as at the end of the working day was discovered that one of the radars had been turned on for most of the day!
The discovery of the mishap was done through the continuing glow of the interior light even though it was shut off.
Followings in that situation: same spermcount!
Its too late for this christmas RUN, but You should wish Yourself a pair of lead-underwear anyhow ;-)
Kim Nielsen.