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Last post 11-11-2015, 5:14 AM by Kamilla1. 5 replies.
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  •  12-18-2007, 3:04 PM 4972

    USAFA ?'s

    What else should I be doing to get accepted into the summer seminar/future USAFA!

    Im a sophmore in HS...and a girl....

    The classes im taking...

    AP human Geography.  Algebra 2 Honors.  English 2 Honors. Chemistry Honors...well those are my "core" classes as a sophmore...

    I got voted onto the class executive board and a runner up in the homecomming court...

    I have also played fast-pitch softball for many, many years and am in my second year of HS ball as a starting shortstop and a backup catcher...


    What chances do I have to get accepted into the summer seminar?

  •  12-26-2007, 4:00 PM 5009 in reply to 4972

    Re: USAFA ?'s

    Assuming your GPA and test scores are good, I think you have a good chance.  Just keep up your grades, take the hardest classes, take leadership possitions, and stay involved in sports...and apply for everything at the right times.
  •  01-06-2008, 7:02 PM 5042 in reply to 4972

    Re: USAFA ?'s

    Hello!  You're off to a great start.  In addition to following through on the four years of math, science, English and softball, I recommend adding two years of a foreign language, cross country, and any additional leadership endeavors you can come up with (youth leadership, club officer position, team captain, program leader of something, etc).  I recommend cross country because your sport doesn't necessarily include lots of extended running, and one of the admission tests is a mile run. 
  •  02-17-2008, 10:05 AM 5205 in reply to 4972

    Re: USAFA ?'s

    I don't recommend summer seminar at USAFA. It doesn't give you a realistic view of life at the Air Force Academy. Instead, you may want to try the Naval Academy Summer Seminar. It was much more physically demanding and pulled no punches. They (no kidding) gave me a real taste of what basic training would be like. The Air Force will just baby sit you for a week.
  •  02-19-2008, 11:19 PM 5215 in reply to 5205

    Re: USAFA ?'s

    I politely disagree.  xknightsgambitx is correct in that USAFA SS is not a very accurate picture of life as a cadet.  However, it is better than nothing.  Just realize that SS is very laid back.  Real classes are tougher, you'll have plenty of homework, and "doolie for a day" is a little taste of basic/recognition.  I found SS to be a good experience, but also realized it was not very realistic...a brief introduction perhaps.
  •  11-11-2015, 5:14 AM 14165 in reply to 5215

    Re: USAFA ?'s

    Excellent !! really nice posts! thanks
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