

Future plans for jets.dk
Last post 05-25-1999, 12:53 AM by anonymous2. 7 replies.
05-21-1999, 12:13 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re:Future plans for jets.dk
*** Posted by run ***
Sorry about all the misledading emails.
Here is the right one:
he he
Do you have any ideas ?
By the way I noticed you were having probs chatting with TIGER. You can use this chat if you like: <A HREF="http://www.jets.dk/chat/" TARGET="_blank">Jets Chat</A>
[Hi RUN,
I was wondering.. what are the future plans you have for www.jets.dk. Have you any new ideas that you plan for the future RUN? It's alright if you want to keep this all secret because it gives us something to look forward to. If you do want to keep it secret, could you give us a few hints.
05-21-1999, 12:22 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re:Future plans for jets.dk
*** Posted by Rapier ***
Hi RUN, Thanks.
I'm ok with computers it's just I am not very good at all this IP addresses etc etc. I just wanted to chat that's all as I was feeling a bit lonely. We were also meant to have a go at playing each other at Falcon 4 and maybe a co-oprative mission but he has not replied to postings or e-mail for a while. I think he's busy at the moment. He's an interesting guy.
About the ideas, I do have some ideas for your site for the future but I'm not going to tell you, so ha. Only joking RUN, I dont have MANY ideas at the moment but I promise to think hard about it and give you some info in the near future, these are ideas which have not been seen on the net before so I want them to be a surprise for everybody, but I'm not going to tell you how to run your site RUN that would be wrong, they would just be ideas, if you decide to take them onboard then that's ok with me.
Thanks a lot RUN
That's ok about the e-mails dont worry.
he he
Do you have any ideas ?
By the way I noticed you were having probs chatting with TIGER. You can use this chat if you like:
Sorry about all the misledading emails.]
05-21-1999, 12:30 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re:Future plans for jets.dk
*** Posted by run ***
Sounds interesting. By the way the chat works now:
<CENTER><A HREF="http://www.jets.dk/chat/" TARGET="_blank">Go to Jets Chat</A></CENTER>
05-21-1999, 12:36 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
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Re:Future plans for jets.dk
*** Posted by Rapier ***
It will be interesting hopefully.
I tried to enter chat and I get an error message. It says "This key is already associated with an element of this collection". I cant enter the chat with my callsign Rapier. Thought I would let you know.
[Sounds interesting. By the way the chat works now:
<CENTER><A HREF="http://www.jets.dk/chat/" TARGET="_blank">Go to Jets Chat</A></CENTER>
05-21-1999, 1:02 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
Re:Future plans for jets.dk
*** Posted by run ***
The chat works for me now. I had some problems like you are refering to, but I think I fixed them now.
<CENTER><A HREF="http://www.jets.dk/chat/" TARGET="_blank">Go to Jets Chat</A></CENTER>
05-21-1999, 10:35 PM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
*** Posted by Rapier ***
The chat seems to be working ok now, I think it was getting a bit confused when I mixed the name like this 'RaPiEr' or 'RuN' to test it's integrity, but it's ok and it will accept names like this.
How are you by the way RUN? I suspect you have been busy etc. The historical date search looks promising. I tried to enter a few dates but I got nothing so I presumed your still working on it. I think it's going to be a big task to do John because it's going to need a big healthy database, but I think your clever in that area ;-)
I went to the Flanker club yesterday, it's ok in there. Talking to TIGER I just missed you 2 mins after you logged off. I have'nt been feeling well lately suffering from a bit of a cold and sore throat, it hurts when I talk. The weather here is like hot and humid one second and the next it's raining then it's windy etc, it's crazy here. How's the weather in Denmark?
The chat works for me now. I had some problems like you are refering to, but I think I fixed them now.
05-25-1999, 12:53 AM |
Joined on 08-18-2002
Posts 1,543
*** Posted by run ***
Thanks for testing the chat. It is just an experiment.
The historical date search only contains dates from FEB to JUL so far, but you can also search on differe´nt people or events and see when different stuff happened.
Weather right now sucks, but it's looking good for next weekend.
[Hi RUN,
The chat seems to be working ok now, I think it was getting a bit confused when I mixed the name like this 'RaPiEr' or 'RuN' to test it's integrity, but it's ok and it will accept names like this.
How are you by the way RUN? I suspect you have been busy etc. The historical date search looks promising. I tried to enter a few dates but I got nothing so I presumed your still working on it. I think it's going to be a big task to do John because it's going to need a big healthy database, but I think your clever in that area ;-)
I went to the Flanker club yesterday, it's ok in there. Talking to TIGER I just missed you 2 mins after you logged off. I have'nt been feeling well lately suffering from a bit of a cold and sore throat, it hurts when I talk. The weather here is like hot and humid one second and the next it's raining then it's windy etc, it's crazy here. How's the weather in Denmark?