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Okay, email it to alblenard@yahoo.com
I'm selling only US$4,000.
The system included :
-KCU 951 HF Controller. -KAC 952 HF Power Amplifier/Antenna Coupler
-KTR 953 HF Receiver Exciter
-Dayton/Granger Antenna.
Contact me for more details.
This system comes complete with:
-KCU 951 HF Controller, P/N: 064-1016-00, S/N: 5024. -KAC 952 HF Power Amplifier/Antenna Coupler, P/N: 064-1017-00, S/N: 4755. -KTR 953 HF Receiver Exciter, P/N: 064-1015-00, S/N: 4356. -Dayton/Granger Antenna.
Email me for the price and pics.