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I have A320-200
(2005 Dry Lease)/2009/ 2008 /2012/2013 available.
I'm selling 4 engines TV3-117VM. Issued in 1991, 1992, 1983 and 1985. All are overhauled at Motor Sich in the year 2013.Please contact by e-mail aviaconnection@yandex.ru to get some more information.
I on behalf of Battuta Aviation offer my services to
assist you in getting 737-800 Plane on lease. We lease / provide all
kind of leasing services. Already Leased so many planes in middle east
and Pakistan also in talks with more operators for leasing of planes Till now Leased 737-300/400/800, 777, A320 A340,IL76, .
If you need our ...
Do you still need the Airbus 10 320 Airbus
330, and the 321.
I have 10 Airbus 2013 A320-214
I have 3 Aiirbus 2008 A320-200
I have 3 Airbus 2010 A330-200
I can get you a quote if you like to have one
I look forward to hearing from you
2013 A320-214 for $47 million...
Please Advise your interest..
I have 2 2013 A330- 200 Airbus for sale. I will be back to you with a quote
I have 3 2008 Airbus A330-200 for sale
would you consider 3 planes? I will get you
a quote both 2 and 3 planes
I have 10 2013 Airbus 320-214 for sale would
you be interested in them I can get you a
I shall be pleased to assist you in procurement of MI 17 Helicopters for Bangladesh Army. I have a five such helicopters for sale so may there be any inquiry you can share with us and we can jointly pursue the lead.
Fida Hussain
Infinity Aviation, Dubai
S No. Description Part Number Qty
1. Autopilot AP34B 01
2. Fuel System Tester DTPR 01
3. Optical Quadrant KO-3 01
4. Turning Table for Testing KPA-5 Ser 2 01
5. Tester for 21A-6 Temperature Indicator KP-5 01
6. Dynamometer, 10-100 Kg DPU-0, 1-2 01
7. Extension Cable, Thermocouple URH-64 01
... 180 ...