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ERJ 145LR X 5 available for Sale. YOM 2000 and 2001. Please only contact if there is serious interest with Mandate and LOI on starkaviationsoft@gmail.com
dear sir,
you have interest to buy 10-A320, 6-A321 and 4 A330.
have you an mandate for the different airplanes.
can not sent an offer without mandates.
oskar laszakovits
AFI KLM E & M and Afriqiyah Airways signed an agreement on cooperation. You must register for AFI KLM service. If you are looking for parts for aircraft Antonov, Tupolev, IL, helicopters, that sell parts.
We have to sell reconditioned engines AI20M. Full documentation. Full documentation. 4 pieces.
Dear All
I need Afriqiyah Airways technic contact details
someone assist me ?
Dear, We are Private aviation company
dealing in providing pilots , cabin crew and Engineers to private
operators and Airlines, if you are interested in getting our services in
hiring pilots please contact us for further correspondence
RegardsYasirStark Aviation
We sell new parts for aircraft AN 2, 10 .. 140, 148, 158, IL 18 .., HERE .., Be what parts you need. We import parts from the manufacturer.
Best regards
Marek Szumlas
K. Burzynskiego 76
88-100 Inowroclaw
Marek Szumlas
Tel/fax.: +48 52 353 32 51
Mobil: +48 603 180 850
English: Peter Zywczwski +48 727 901 408
I have to sell the (new) oil cooler, the engine ASH62 IR. AN-2 aircraft. No. Catalogue 1106.
We sell new parts for aircraft AN 2, 10 .. 140,148,158, IL 18 .., TU .., Be what parts you need. We import parts from the manufacturer. szumlasmarek@wp.pl
Best regads
Marek Szumlas
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