Hey...cool that there is finally a community for Avico Aviation experienced folks.
Sure is difficult to find true information about the company on the net?!
Did you guys see the posts on flyafrica.info????
I stared laughing after reading some stuff that is posted there....how stupid can someone be...lol.... nigerian scam...lol... no one ever said that however they say that someone said it or another great example is on pprune...a idiot actually did post that AVICO requires you to pay 1500 Euro before giving you any information....how come these lies are even being allowed to be posted??...lol...
hey professional showtime dude, did they not take you to the aircraft??? I was lucky and when I arrived they had to deliver something at the aircraft, so i got to see the 737-500. Did you have the welcome with the ops manager from Blue Sky? aside from the guys from avico, there was the ops manager from blue sky there.