*** Posted by run ***
[This question is in regards to a F-16 pilot having to Egress, what is the after math of the egress on the pilots body, Ive herad the pilot can recieve some 25 G's of spine commpression from th Ejection, and how many seconds does it take,from the Eject handle being pulled till the chute opens, lets say if you have a Flame-Out on take-off?]
Ejection seats of today are more gentle on your body. In the ACES II which is the seat of the F16 you only pull 14 G's which ofcourse can be harmfull if you are not sitting in the right position. Other stuff that can cause severe damage to your body is windblast if you are going fast. Think about sticking your head out of the window on a car going 500 miles per hour. That hurts.
In the ACESII seat it takes 1.8 seconds from you pull the handle till you have a full chute.
Regards RUN