*** Posted by run ***
Hi Rapier
If you suspect a problem with your oxygen system, you normally "gangload your regulater" which means you check its on, go 100% oxygen & set the regulater so you get a constant positive airflow. The positive airflow can hamper talking, but is nessecary in order to make sure cabinair is not entering the mask (There could be a hole in a hose etc.)
If your cabin-altitude raises above a certain point this positive airflow starts automatically.
If anybody can answer this I'd appreciate it. I was watching this program and I saw this pilot breathing irratically even though he had his oxygen mask on. He was'nt pulling any G's but he suffered some kind of Cabin Preassure problem that forced more air into him via tha mask. What the hell was happening to him or what wa he doing? Coul'nt he have hyper-ventilated by doing this?