*** Posted by Simon "ICE" Secher ***
Yeps.. But I was'nt wondering so much as wether it was impossible to move the stick due to the G-forces. What I WAS wondering, was wether you actually have time and resources(mentally) to USE the maneuvers you've learned, in the heat of the battle. And IF USING them, wether they are carried out as correct ad in your "text book".
Kind Regards
Simon "ICE" Secher
[Hi Simon
When you are pulling 9 g's it's hard to move anything, but the stick in the f16 only requires little force so you are still able to handle the plane the way you like.
HI THERE!!! I was just wondering: When you are in the middle o a gutt wrecking dog fight, you're pulling 9G's etc. is it then possible for you to carrie out those standardized maneuvers perfectly?
I'm out...