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Letter to Congressman Ben Chandler Re: Airline mechanic calls the FAA hotline and 110 people die as a result of their inaction.

  •  01-27-2007, 9:33 PM

    Letter to Congressman Ben Chandler Re: Airline mechanic calls the FAA hotline and 110 people die as a result of their inaction.

    Congressman Chandler,
    I have recently sent several messages to you containing information about the crash of Comair5191 at Lexington Bluegrass airport.
    In these letters, I have asked to testify to the aviation subcommittee about the crash and other issues of aviation safety.  I have heard nothing from you.
    I would like to point out another instance where the FAA had failed to do their job. Again, innocent airline passengers had to give their lives.
    An mechanic who worked for Valujet airlines in Miami called the FAA hot line and warned them about a condition which posed an imminent danger to the flying public.  He even told them about aircraft #904, the plane that crashed, having electrical problems and illegal maintenance procedures used to fix the problem on the morning of the crash. He assumed that the FAA would finally do their job and rectify the dangerous condition. 
    After five weeks of seeing no action on the part of the FAA, his worst fears came to bear  when VJ592 crashed with 110 fatalities.  Imagine the guilt he suffered for not calling back sooner to insure the FAA reacted as they should and prevent this senseless tragedy.  Here is the FAA document again which shows the mechanic called five weeks prior and three days after the crash...
    The NTSB's final report on the crash doesn't even mention this important information and apparently never attempted to interview him.  It appears as if the NTSB realized the FAA's guilt in the crash and attempted to look the other way to protect another federal agency, and even let the FAA conduct the most crucial tests of the oxygen canisters, which they botched as well.
    Will the NTSB's final report on Comair 5191 tell the people the truth? See what the families of the ValuJet592 accident say about the way they were treated by the FAA and NTSB in their press release...
    I called the FAA hot line and they took no action either. 
    After TW800 went down, James Kallstrom asked the American people for help in the investigation.  We sent him the same letter three times and he refused to accept it.  Here's the proof...
    Isn't it time we let the American people know the truth?
    You could find this air traffic controller and subpoena her to testify as well.
    We could face years of jail time for lying to Congress.  I have no fear, I am armed with the truth.  I don't need any screens or voice-altering electronic devices to protect my identity.
    I have hundreds of hours of taped telephone conversations with co-workers, the FAA, the DOT IG, the FBI, the NTSB, and even the Whitehouse to play for you and the American people which paint a very graphic picture of the truth.
    I cannot understand why you and other members of the aviation subcommittee would want to cover up these crimes perpetrated by the FAA.  It is mass murder by an agency of the federal government and nothing more.
    Please call me immediately, you have my number.  We must let the American people know about these crimes. It is your job to protect the flying public, let's stop the killing.
    This message will be sent to the Comair5191 family members, Capt. Quiello at Delta Airlines, and the press in Lexington.
    Best Regards,
    James Bergquist
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