*** Posted by RUN ***
[Hi RUN,
Yes it makes sense what you said about concentrating on your instruments, perhaps I described the rotating of the head a bit wrong. I think what I meant to say was that if a pilot becomes disorientated he picks an object on the grond and focus's on that object (as well as observing his/her instruments) if he/she is spining very fast, like pilots do at airshows, I've noticed that they tend to look in one direction (on the ground) when they perform barrel roll's. It may be a natural reaction to do this. Were you taught on this subject at the academy and methods on how to deal with disorientation?
When you fly aerobatics it's right that you focus on ground objects in order to make the maneouvers look good from the ground.
What I was talking about is Spatial disorientation which is an other story.