*** Posted by Rapier ***
Ok, just one more ;o)
There is a little metal piece that connects the oxygen hose from the mask to the hose in the aircraft. You normally have this piece attached to the oxygen hose from the mask. One of my friends instructors stole this little piece from my friend when he wasn't paying attention.
All strapped into the jet the student complained to the instructor that he couldn't find it & the instructor asked him if he hadn't brought his spare. This made the student even more confused since he hadn't heard of a spare. The instructor then said, well you can use mine (and handed the student the stolen piece). After the flight the instructor told the student to go to life support and ask for a spare, which ofcourse brought a lot of laugh to the life support people.
RUN, these stories they are so funny I cant believe they got away with playing so many jokes. You should make this another part of the web site or another catagory of the Forum. I'm sure as more people visit they will be able to tell more stories and add a bit more fun to the site
Fantastic! Thanks