*** Posted by Rapier ***
[Hi John,
I mean engines off, gear damage.
Have you ever been in this situation?
Thank you John
Hi Tiger,
I've had a flame out on final approach in F4 and it's not very nice. It can leave you short of the runway but if this happens still try to land at your base as close as possible because if you declare an emergeny landing they will still scramble the fire and medical crews to where you landed to help you because they watch you come in.
I have also had some major gear damage comming back from a mission and had to declare an emergency. I had to land the F16 on it's belly and I did this ok. There were sparks and smoke everywhere. If you are in this situation remember that you still have to pull back on the stick and keep the aircraft level when your skidding along the ground. Pulling back on the stick and using your airbrakes will help bring the aircraft to a quicker halt.
You must be brave and keep a cool head in this situation or you will make a mistake and get killed.