*** Posted by Rapier ***
[Hi Rapier
Thanks for answering.
You shouldn't try to keep constant speed at max G. What you said 450-500 kts is the speed where the F16 can keep the speed constant. Remember the Ps curves of the F16 show that you have to keep the speed between 2 limits that are found on the top of the diagram.
Study very carefully the diagram and then do some training exercises.
Hi Tiger,
If you look in your Falcon 4 manual you look at the diagram on chapt 2-3, it's quite interesting. It's the turn performance of the F-16 (though add a couple of digits to get the real F-16 best turn performance). Do you notice anything interesting about this diagram. Remember what I was saying about keeping the airspeed between 450-480 knt's before the tight turn. Notice that the grey curve is missing for the 400-500 Knt's. If you imagine a grey curve between the Mach 0.3 and 0.6 Mach lines. If you were to draw another grey line here according to this diagram you will notice that it gives you the straitest curve of the whole diagram, this is close the the clasified turn rate of the real F-16.
By the way do you use F22 ADF for any sim action as well. I have just heard that DID have used a beefed up version of the F22 ADF sim to train American pilots in combat training. This is amazing news, what do you rekon.