*** Posted by run ***
ok my question was not if the F16 can pull over 9.3G, that thing i know, my problem is how that happend because the FLight Control Computer will not permitte that in normmaly flight !
u can pull normally full aft and got that G (10.5G)... hope for answer...
rgards shoney]
The flight control system will only allow 9.0Gs on an F-16 with no external stores. If your pull is abrupt you can sometimes see a slight overshoot. I have personally never seen more that 9.5Gs.
9.5Gs and over is considered an over-G and the aircraft has to be inspected.
If you are carrying external stores the flight control system will still allow you to pull 9.0 Gs, but depending on which stores you are carrying it will most likely be an over-G if you do. Some stores - fuel tanks, bombs etc. limits the amount of Gs you are allowed to pull quite a bit.
You cannot "cancel" the 9.0 G-limit.
There is a note in the Dash 1 that says you can sometimes get a false maximum g indication in the HUD due to INU vibration while the aircraft is at maximum g. False G indications above 10 have been observed - I personally have never seen more that 9.5.
Regards Run