I am looking for a job flight engineer Mi-8Т/Мi-8MTV
Total flight time 1086 hours
· Flight engineer licence - to 01.04.2014
· JAR-FCL3 Medical certificate Class 1 - to 01.04.2014
· Annual recurrent traning: Fligth engineer for helicopter Mi-8Т/Мi-8MTV(Refresher course) - 27.03.2014
Admission (the crew as a flight engineer)
· Transportation of passengers and cargo
· Search and rescue work
Individual - April 2013 to present.
Flight engineer helicopter Mi-8T/Mi-8MTV.
AVIATOR UTC - March to April 2013.
Has completed all stages, tests, and course requirements according to the State Aviation Administration approved course Flight engineer for helicopter Mi-8Т/Mi-8MTV(civil аviation). Flight test - 18.04.2013.
Ukraine Air Force - August 1997 to March 2013.
Primary positions included: aircraft maintenance technician, flight engineer, finished his service in the post of a flight engineer instructor helicopter Mi-8T, Mi-8MTV. Experience abroad - United Nations Mission in Liberia, flight engineer of the Mi-8MTV.
I have higher technical aviation education. Specialty - "Production, maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines." Qualification - engineer.
Citizenship of Ukraine.Age 35 years. Married. Passport is. No criminal record. English - basic. PC user. Hobby - ham radio on shortwave. Free to work as a telegraph and the telephone mode (CW and SSB).
Responsible, purposeful, functional responsibilities to fulfill demanding. I have experience in flight operations abroad. Ready to sign a long term contract. Agree on a crossing in any region for further work.
Also considers proposals for the job crew as a whole (there are trained, acting Captain and Co-pilot with work experience abroad).
I will consider all suggestions offered by your side.
Andrey Yarovenko
email: fl-bort.work@mail.ru
tel +380993866539