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SOI (Sensor Of Interest)

Last post 04-26-1999, 10:59 AM by anonymous2. 1 replies.
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  •  04-23-1999, 10:26 PM 120

    SOI (Sensor Of Interest)

    *** Posted by Lorenzo ***
    Hi RUN,

    Good to hear from you again. The SOI (Sensor Of Interest) is used for targeting Laser Guided Bombs and Maverick AG weapons in the F-16.

    Essentially, before you designate or ground-stabilize any sensor, the SOI for LGB's is radar and the SOI for mavericks is the HUD. For example, if you call up the Laser designator display on the MDF's and the Laser designator is left in Boresight mode the MDF will display "NOT SOI". I'm trying to figure out why this is happening because I am unable to release weapons when this message appears. Why is this happening and why cant I release my weapons. You must be familiar with the SOI because it is used for air to ground attacks and is on all the F-16's, but it may be known as a different name on your aircraft.

    I hope this helps.

    Also just one other question, What is the best way of dogfighting against 2 opponents, by this I mean that they are right on top of you, not 30 not 20 miles out but a mile or two away. Whats the best way to survive this type of engagement.

    Lorenzo (Rapier)
  •  04-26-1999, 10:59 AM 121 in reply to 120

    Re:SOI (Sensor Of Interest)

    *** Posted by RUN ***
    Hi Lorenzo

    In Denmark we fly the blok 10 & blok 15 models. In these models we don't have any MFD's (Multi Function Display) which I am asuming you are talking about. We are however going to get these with the MLU (Mid Life Update).
    I have never used MFD's myself, but I asume that when a senser is SOI it just means that the weapon is slaved to that sensor. That would explain the "NOT SOI" you get when operate in boresight with the laser designator.
    You write that before you designate or ground-stabilize any sensor, the SOI for LGB's is radar and the SOI for mavericks is the HUD.
    This is not neccessarely correct. We use the maverick for TASMO & in that environment we mostly have it slaved to the radar.

    In order to answer your second question I need a lot more information. What aircraft are we talking about, how much altitude difference is there, what is my mission & what about weapons ?

    A quick answer assuming heat seekers only, almost same height & aircraft capability:

    If you have the room try to offset both on the same side, turn into them trying to get a quick head-on shot & extend through and away from the fight.


    [Hi RUN,

    Good to hear from you again. The SOI (Sensor Of Interest) is used for targeting Laser Guided Bombs and Maverick AG weapons in the F-16.before you designate or ground-stabilize any sensor, the SOI for LGB's is radar and the SOI for mavericks is the HUD.

    Essentially, For example, if you call up the Laser designator display on the MDF's and the Laser designator is left in Boresight mode the MDF will display "NOT SOI". I'm trying to figure out why this is happening because I am unable to release weapons when this message appears. Why is this happening and why cant I release my weapons. You must be familiar with the SOI because it is used for air to ground attacks and is on all the F-16's, but it may be known as a different name on your aircraft.

    I hope this helps.

    Also just one other question, What is the best way of dogfighting against 2 opponents, by this I mean that they are right on top of you, not 30 not 20 miles out but a mile or two away. Whats the best way to survive this type of engagement.

    Lorenzo (Rapier)]
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