Royal Danish Airforce
Topic: Military Aircraft Collection

Community Server :: Forums

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Posted by fly fort on 01-16-2004 12:47 PM
Hello everybody,

Since I'm new here, I don't know if a may post this topic here.

Since 2 weeks my new layout of the "Military Aircraft Collection" is online.

For those who doesn't know my site yet, here is a brief description :

I started the site in the summer of 2003 and receiverd already 6500 hits
The purpose of the site is "To bring every military aircraft online". And when I say every, I mean EVERY.
But I can't do that alone, so I need help from those who have military pictures available.
Next update will be Italy. So if you have some pictures available from the Italian Armed Forces you may send them to

Every 2 weeks there will be an update with 25 new pictures from a specified country. If you want to stay informed about the progress of the site, there is a newsletter available.
If you have some questions, there is a military Forum available, also wallpapers and pictures from some trips I did last year.

Please visit the site, and you can see already what I have achieved.

Thanks in advance


Michael Stolle
